From the moment Carla started talking, she connected with the audience attending the Women.Connected Candidates Night, April 25 at Brith Sholom House in Wynnefield Heights. Her passion shined as she talked about her visions for the office: increased registration and turnout. transparency, accountability and checks that employees are doing their jobs. To increase voter registration among young people, she would include voter registration forms with high school seniors’ diplomas. To improve integrity of the office, “I’ll hire people with integrity.” She closed by saying voting should take place over two days to accommodate people who work shifts that don’t allow them to vote. And, she unfurled the latest slogan, “Push #41 and you’re done!” It was her best presentation on the campaign trail.
“Women.Connected is an emerging coalition comprised of multiple women’s organizations throughout Metropolitan Philadelphia and whose individual organizational missions reflect shared values, concerns, and calls to action.”